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A Big Announcement!

I have some big news to share! For probably the last decade, God has been leading me into something that I couldn’t quite put words to or define. As is typical with our spiritual journeys, things can move slowly, and sometimes, at least for me, my discernment can become a little cloudy with my own thoughts and desires. When I'm caught up in my own headspace, I can easily miss what God is doing within me. During the years of Covid, and with the slower pace of life that season, I started to notice some of the work God was doing on my soul, and that began my journey in Spiritual Formation and Direction.


I am currently working on earning a certificate in spiritual formation and concurrently enrolled in a residency program for spiritual direction. So, with that, it gives me great joy to announce that I’m hanging my shingle on the door (so to speak), and opening my practice for spiritual direction.  


“What is she talking about? What the heck is spiritual direction? Is Krista okay?” I may or may not have heard these questions recently.


It’s not lost on me that spiritual formation and spiritual direction are not everyday terms we hear in our circles, so let me explain a little further. As you read through this post, I would ask you to prayerfully consider what may be stirring in you. I believe spiritual direction is for everyone, at any age or stage of their life, and I would be delighted to come along side you in your journey.


What is a spiritual director?


  • A trained listener. This may sound basic, but think about it, do you always feel heard when you share a part of yourself with someone? I think we can all agree that, no, we don’t always feel heard. And not feeling heard can cause tension in how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to God and others.

  • A companion to walk with you as you respond to God’s invitation to a deeper journey. How beautiful is it to sit with someone who wants to help you listen and discern what God is up to in your life?

  • An observer. You know that feeling when you are driving in an unfamiliar place? It can be a tad overwhelming, right? That’s what it’s like to have a spiritual director sit with you while you process. It’s like a passenger in your car who helps you navigate and notice what’s going on as you drive in a new place.

  • A safe person to explore some of your deepest questions about God, your prayer life, or even doubts you have about God in your day-to-day life. A spiritual director offers a safe, confidential, and quiet space where you can process any questions or thoughts you have about your spiritual journey.


How does meeting with a spiritual director help a believer in their spiritual journey? A spiritual director will:


  • Create a warm space where an individual will feel welcomed, comfortable, and accepted.

  • Give understanding to God’s unshakeable love for them, especially if they feel unlovable.

  • Help them discover God’s presence.

  • Guide them to areas in their life where there may be resistance to what God is doing.

  • Provide a safe space for acknowledging hurt and disappointment in their life.

  • Offer space to be authentic and honest before God.


How does a direction session work? Sessions are typically:


  • One hour in length and usually scheduled once a month.

  • Sessions are offered in person, or through online video conferencing.

  • The first session is complementary, and if this is a fit for both of us, we’ll move forward from there. While I’m in my residency program, there will be no fee, but donations are welcome.

  • Book your spiritual direction session HERE.

In full disclosure, this feels like a gynormous, scary step for me. I felt all the butterflies when I hit the "publish" button for this blog post. And yet, I believe this is exactly where God wants me. I think God is okay with a little nervousness on my part.

I appreciate your prayers in the next several months as I continue in my residency program and build my practice. I'm working to come up with a practice name, establish an LLC, domain, and all the things. I'll let you know as those details unfold. I'm also in the process of preparing a location for indiviuals to go and participate in a Silent Retreat. Doesn't a 24 hour period of silence and solitude, in a cozy mountain house, sound delightful? More to come on that this summer.

With that said, I would be honored if you could help spread the word. If you know of people in your circles who could use a ministry like this, please send them my way. Thanks to technology, and the Zoom platform in particular, I'm available to meet with people from anywhere.

Blessings and love to each of you!


CLICK HERE to book your spiritual direction session


Hi, I am Krista and this is my opportunity to share what’s on my heart through words. I loves words, and piecing together stories of my own messy life in hopes of touching others. This is a space where I will be sharing my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you. My hope is to create a community of people who are not afraid to embrace their own messiness and imperfections. Feel free to join me on this journey and share your own stories.

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come to you.

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