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Now What?!!

It's the day after Easter. Yesterday was a strange one here in the desert. Rain and cool temps made their way through the Valley, while snow and wind plowed through the High Country. I must say we aren't used to that in Arizona, especially in late March.

I went out earlier today to assess the storm damage in our little oasis of a backyard, but mostly to tend to the obnoxious noise our pool pump was making. Turns out the filter baskets were full of leaves and storm debris and the pump was crying out for me to clean out the leaves. Pool pumps are finicky that way. They like their filters clean so they can do their job and maintain the cleanliness of the pool.

As I knelt beside the pool and pulled out the heavy basket of debris, I couldn't help but notice how calm it was outside. Hours ago the wind had been whipping around, and rain was blowing sideways. Now the sun was peeking through the clouds, birds were singing, and the smell of fresh air surrounded me. It was lovely.

Sometimes after major spiritual experiences like Good Friday, Silent Saturday and Resurrection Sunday, I often wonder now what? It's kind of like the storm yesterday. It blew in fierce the night before, did its thing yesterday, and then exited this morning. It left behind pools full of leaves, palm branches and bark on neighborhood streets, chirping birds, fresh aromas, and a faint presence of The One who created the heavens and the earth. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I knelt by the pool--like I've been holding my breath this entire Easter weekend, and I finally let it out. Maybe it's just me, but Easter is weighty and significant. It ushers in emotions and thoughts that need attention. And then Monday comes. Now what?

'O God, hear my prayer. Listen to my heart’s cry. For no matter where I am, even when I’m far from home, I will cry out to you for a father’s help. When I’m feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory, where I am safe and sheltered. Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me. You lift me high above the fray. None of my foes can touch me when I’m held firmly in your wraparound presence!'
Psalms 61:1-3 TPT

I looked up to the sky, holding a handful of leaves, and wondered, now what? Not in a frustrated or condescending way, but in a way to let the Lord know I'm ready. I'm ready for what's next. And I welcome it.

I don't know what you're facing today, but I encourage you to let the words of Psalm 61 sink into your soul. Let the wraparound presence of the Lord comfort and hold you. And when you are ready, ask the question, now what?


Hi, I am Krista and this is my opportunity to share what’s on my heart through words. I loves words, and piecing together stories of my own messy life in hopes of touching others. This is a space where I will be sharing my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you. My hope is to create a community of people who are not afraid to embrace their own messiness and imperfections. Feel free to join me on this journey and share your own stories.

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